Human Resources at Alliga Ter (new research and achievements)
This is our globe. We are six billion and as many different lives. The resource is dedicated
productivity of creative work,
increase life expectancy and the protection of public health,
development of new schemes and disciplines of human endeavor where the man is one of the standards of Genesis.
In light of recent events (the global economic crisis, the ecological credit crunch) in our opinion the new world order is related to the disclosure of internal research capacity of man and the introduction of the money unit in the Global Network
- the equivalent of a creative effort. To do this we use the cultural
heritage and modern artistic achievements and future developments.
This approach helps to address global problems, changes the foundation of every state and allows the realization of each individual, when the dream is being implemented, as we become more perfect.
DOMESTIC HUMAN POTENTIAL (the result of modern research)
education is training on the nervous system managementto work, at home, sex, leisure, dating, peace, parenting, love, sports, business, beauty, health...
education includes the following Lectures:
Lectures 1-6 – work with
the mind.
Lectures 7-8 – work with
the individuality.
Lectures 9-21 – getting
familiarized with nerve plexuses and management of nerve plexuses.
Lectures 11, 14 – safety
The last Lecture –
mastering the health improvement method.
Classes are led internal order and provide a mechanism for internal development.
The deliberate use of the nervous system - this new horizons, the third signal system and additional labour
bodies. Home
researches of the students and the Lecture r’s
comments are provided after each Lecture
for the answer "Who is the near spiritual helper for
you?" on the basis of the first triad of the nerve
centers responsible for the sensing criterion
The nerve plexus and nerve channels of movement currents
The proposed new currency called the «Alliga Pound». As a reference or "dimensional ruler" appears real single creative product. This product can choose any popular creative work. In this case, for
one unit of currency is invited to select the human legacy of women's tale. Determinant of prices serve four characteristics and formula for calculating the cost of:
Trends for the birth of new creative products and for the birth of children. Briefly tsenooobrazuyuschy factor is Light.
Trends for the acquisition of the fullness of being human. Briefly - Happiness.
Trends in stimulating a new search. Briefly - Search.
Trends in stimulating collective action. In short - We.
Price in Pound is the product of four price determining characteristics. Or Price = (Light x Happiness x We x Search).
"Women's fairy tale" defines the unit content of each of the tsenooobrazuyuschih factors.
Continuity Alliga associated with modern monetary units and the copyright for creative product.
Novelty: definition tsennoobrazuyuschih factors and formulas for the cost, the introduction of standards denominations of 0,001, 0,002, 0,005, 0,01, 0,02, 0,05, 0,1, 0,2, 0,5, 1, 2, 5, 10; 100 and 1000 Alliga Pound.
Every person on the
basis of nominal 0,001, 0,002, 0,005, 0,01, 0,02, 0,05, 0,1, 0,2, 0,5,
1, 2, 5, 10, 100 and 1000 Alliga Pound could reach own view on the
human heritage of personal creative products, as well as other products. Pound, as a social unit of money for the Global Network, can be repeatedly accelerate the progress of mankind.